Whatever your goals, we'd love to help you reach them with a one to one coaching programme. We provide ongoing monthly programmes, you can become part of our Woburn Coaching Community, take advantage of our special three month Kick Start programme, or just a one off consultation. Always remember that it’s not just about reaching your destination, but also about enjoying the journey.

For more information, click here.


45 For You


We want to make coaching available to as many people as possible. Gareth has made time each week for three 45 minute sessions that are completely free of charge. If you’d like to talk to him about your individual goals, and start to think about an action plan, book a slot here. There's no obligation beyond this first 45 minutes, and we can use the time to focus on whatever you think is most appropriate.

To Book a Slot, click here.


Training with a group of friends or colleagues can be more fun and help with motivation. Whether for a specific goal, or just for fun, we can design a tailored programme for your needs.

For more information, click here.